Damn good copy doesn’t just “happen”…
You're not hiring me to sit around and wait for the right words to just magically flow from my fingertips…
Because that’s just gonna lead to a lot of head scratching and Netflix watching.
Instead, I lean on my proven, repeatable, honed-over-many-years process that I use to create compelling click-worthy copy (and wait til after hours to binge the latest season of Mythic Quest):
Phase 1: All up in your business
You answer a TOTALLY FUN questionnaire to fill me in on all the dirty deets
I spend way too much time thinking about you *creepy wink*, your brand and what kind of weirdo would buy from you.
Phase 2: Messaging strategy will get you everywhere
I pore over your questionnaire, highlighting things, making notes, creating connections and leaving room for all the thoughts idea and random brain burps to bubble up.
Everything gets boiled down and mixed into your new Brand Bible.
You take a peek and give the thumbs up before I start turning it all into wordy bits…
Phase 3: I fuck around with words
I lock the cat out of the office and tap away at my keyboard, whipping messaging strategy, brand personality and wordplay into something that gets your customers clicking.
You receive your copy doc, which you’ll find is positively infested with comments from me stepping you through the reasoning behind the words. You’ll also get a short video walkthrough from yours truly, with minimal rambling and maximum explaining.
Your new copy is ready to be paraded around like a pair of new kicks (ooooh so shiny and pretty and you kinda wanna marry them but that'd be weird...)
Let's cut the crap, because it’s not just words.
We’re talking finely tuned copy that has been carefully constructed to get inside your potential customer’s head *insert evil laugh here*
So what you’re really getting is messaging thats strategic, speaks to your customers and gets results (Because otherwise, what’s the point?)
Wanna get inside your customers heads?
“I would recommend Ami to any biz who struggles to convey their message in a way that appeals to their ideal client. ”